Project Books
The goal of this project is to work with school and area libraries to promote the distribution of books to students in all district schools, and to enable teachers easier access to books for their students who cannot afford their own books.
Project Coordinator:
Holly Anderson 717-253-7076 hrfrock@yahoo.com
As you clean through all your items, please think of Project Books as a place to get rid of the books your kids have outgrown. We collect gently used books from/for readers kindergarten thru high school years. Please consider donating books you no longer want to Operation Wildcat's Project Books. You can drop them off in Operation Wildcat Bins located at the schools.
Donation of Items:
We accept new or gently used books
Books can be left in the Operation Wildcat bins at any time.
If you have a large donation of books, please contact the project coordinator in advance to arrange delivery .
Project Books is looking for ESL books, books of diversity and graphic novels. Donations can be left in the OW bin at MMS if convenient, or any other bin in district buildings. If you have a large donation or have questions, please contact Project Chair Holly Anderson hrfrock@yahoo.com
If you have any questions please contact us. Thank you for your support!