Project Spring for Socks
Project Coordinator:
Heather Person-Bower persun4@gmail.com
Spring for Socks provides new socks and underwear for families in the district. An annual sock and underwear drive is held each spring in collaboration with Mechanicsburg Area School District.
New Underwear:
Boys 4
Boys 6/8
Boys 8/10
Boys 10/12
Boys 14/16
Boys 18/20
Girls 5
Girls 6
Girls 8
Girls 10/12
Girls 14/16
lowrise, bikini and boyshort style
Juniors 5
Juniors 6
Juniors 7
Mens S
Mens M
Mens L
Mens XL
Please leave donated items in the OW bins at any of the MASD schools. Any questions, please contact Heather Bower at persun4@gmail.com or Cerissa Kleinfelter at ckleinfelter@mbgsd.org
Donations can be left in any OW bin in MASD school building; if convenient, please leave donations at MMS. Thanks!